Category: News
Best Paper Award at the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI
in NewsMembers of the SPORT team: A. Shafaei, Y. Wang, and X. Lin received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, Tampa, Florida, USA, July 9-11, 2014.
Prof. Pedram concluded his term as the Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Trans. on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
in NewsProf. Pedram concluded his term as the Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Trans. on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, in May 2014. He had served in that position from Jun. 2008.
Prof. Pedram concludes his term as the Inaugural Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems
in NewsProf. Pedram concluded his term as the Inaugural Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems in Dec. 2013. He had served in that position from Jan. 2010.
Hadi Goudarzi received his Ph.D. in Dec. 2013 — Thesis title: “SLA-based, Energy-Efficient Resource Management in Cloud Computing Systems”
in NewsHadi Goudarzi received his Ph.D. in Dec. 2013 — Thesis title: “SLA-based, Energy-Efficient Resource Management in Cloud Computing Systems”; first employment at Qualcomm, San Diego, CA.
“Reducing Energy Cost and Environmental Impacts of Information Processing and Communications Systems,” ISTeC Distinguished Lecture
in NewsProf. Pedram gave the following invited talks: “Reducing Energy Cost and Environmental Impacts of Information Processing and Communications Systems,” ISTeC Distinguished Lecture, Colorado State University, Oct. 21, 2013.
“Energy-Driven Design and Optimization of Electronic Circuits and Servers,” Presentations
in NewsProf. Pedram gave the following invited talks: “Energy-Driven Design and Optimization of Electronic Circuits and Servers,” Presentations at SNU-ESRC and Samsung ATTI Joint Workshop, Seoul, South Korea, Sep. 9, 2013, and at Energy Efficient Design Institute, Beijing University, Beijing, China, Sep. 6, 2013.
Prof. Pedram was recognized as one of the four DAC Prolific Authors (with 50+ papers)
in NewsProf. Pedram was recognized as one of the four DAC Prolific Authors (with 50+ papers) and the DAC Bronze Cited Author at the 50th year anniversary of the Design Automation Conf., Austin, TX, Jun. 2013
Prof. Pedram received the 2013 DAC Volunteer Service Award sponsored by IEEE CEDA.
in NewsProf. Pedram received the 2013 DAC Volunteer Service Award sponsored by IEEE CEDA.
“Designing Energy-Efficient Information Processing Systems,” Presentations
in NewsProf. Pedram gave the following invited talks: “Designing Energy-Efficient Information Processing Systems,” Presentations at EE Dept., Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Dec. 3, 2013; Eminent Scholar Seminar Series speaker, Texas A&M University, Nov. 12, 2013; Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Sep. 29, 2013; Samsung Advanced Technology Training Institute, Sep. 11, 2013; and…
“Creating a Sustainable Information and Communication Infrastructure,”
in NewsProf. Pedram gave the following invited talk: “Creating a Sustainable Information and Communication Infrastructure,” Keynote Speaker, Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference, Grenoble, France, Mar. 19, 2013.