Category: Current Projects
SFQ Circuit Design
Sponsor: Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Description: As Moore’s law dying for CMOS, novel technology with higher operation rate, better power efficiency and scale-ability is badly demanded for future chips. SFQ is one of the most promising saplings using single quantum flux as the compute unit, holding an advantage of fast speed and low…
Timing Analysis for Superconducting Single-Flux-Quantum Circuits
Sponsor: Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Development of timing analysis tool to provide timing information for a given post-synthesis/placement/routing circuits. It implements static timing analysis and statistical static timing analysis, prunes unimportant paths, reports setup/hold time violations, provides timing information to ensure timing closure of placement/routing. Related work:
SFQ based ALU design
Sponsor: Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) Description: We plan to exploit the nature of each gate being clocked in SFQ circuits and use this gate level pipelined nature of SFQ logic cells to design a ALU to have better throughput (qBSA). We also, plan to carry forward this research to evaluate the performance of…
Approximate Computing: A New Approach to Design Energy Efficient Circuits for Error Resilient Applications
The error resiliency of applications such as media processing has provided designers with a new technique called approximate computing (AC), which abandons exactness of computation in favor of improved efficiency. In functional approximation, which is our focus here, a more simpler function different than the actual design is implemented that can be generated manually by…