Quantum information processing has captivated atomic and optical physicists as well as theoretical computer scientists by promising a model of computation that can improve the complexity class of several challenging problems. To be able to do efficient quantum computation, one needs to have an efficient set of computer-aided design tools in addition to the ability of working with favorable complexity class and controlling quantum mechanical systems with a high fidelity and long coherence times. This is comparable with the classical domain where a Turing machine, a high clock speed and no error in switching were not adequate to design fast modern computers. Quantum circuit and layout design with algorithmic techniques and CAD tools are the focus of our research. We conduct research that spans the areas of computer programming, data structure and algorithms, and optimization while maintaining a strong relevance to quantum computing. For quantum circuit design, our research results in a systematic synthesis framework with favorable results for some families of functions, including modular exponentiation [6], quantum adders and multiplexers [1] and complex Toffoli gates [2]. In quantum layout design, we proposed several techniques to design quantum fabrics that use either MOVE [7] or SWAP [3,5] operation to change the location of quantum information or approximate communication overhead [4].
For more information, see the following papers.
- Afshin Abdollahi, Mehdi Saeedi, and Massoud Pedram, “Reversible Logic Synthesis by Quantum Rotation Gates,” Quantum Information and Computation , Vol. 13, No. 9-10, pp. 0771-0792, 2013 (arXiv:1302.5382).
- Mehdi Saeedi and Massoud Pedram, “Linear-Depth Quantum Circuits for n-qubit Toffoli gates with no Ancilla” ( arXiv:1303.3557 ), 2013.
- Mehdi Saeedi, Alireza Shafaei, and Massoud Pedram, “Constant-Factor Optimization of Quantum Adders on 2D Quantum Architectures,” to appear in 5th Conference on Reversible Computation (RC), 2013 (arXiv:1304.0432).
- Mohammad Javad Dousti and Massoud Pedram, “LEQA: Latency Estimation for a Quantum Algorithm Mapped to a Quantum Circuit Fabric,” to appear in Proc. of the 50th Design Automation Conf. (DAC), Jun. 2013.
- Alireza Shafaei, Mehdi Saeedi, and Massoud Pedram, “Optimization of Quantum Circuits for Interaction Distance in Linear Nearest Neighbor Architectures,” to appear in Proc. of the 50th Design Automation Conf. (DAC), Jun. 2013.
- Alireza Shafaei, Mehdi Saeedi, and Massoud Pedram, “Reversible Logic Synthesis of k-Input, m-Output Lookup Tables,” Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Mar. 2013.
- Mohammad Javad Dousti and Massoud Pedram, “Minimizing the Latency of Quantum Circuits during Mapping to the Ion-Trap Circuit Fabric,” Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Mar. 2012.